Monday, October 29, 2007

Picture = 1000 Characters

A little diversion to start your week. ASCII Art has been around a long time.

Sometimes taken to extremes, this noble art form can be fun for the whole family. There are a lot of generators (like the one I used for the image above) that produce fun results with none of the "what are you doing with your life" issues.

Upload an image and convert it to ASCII Art
Generate ASCII Art versions of your favorite font (truly silly application when you think about it)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Family Comic

My children have made me a better person. In the Fall of 2004 August helped me with my Perspective.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Old Doodle

I was cleaning the office the other day and found this autobiographical doodle from sometime in 1997. I like the drawing. And I am happy to report that after years of hard work I am now able to demand food and coffee.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sandscrit, Hieroglyphics, and Lingo

The future belongs to Flash. Macromedia Director and it's scripting language, Lingo, are going the way of HyperTalk, SuperTalk and the Blink HTML tag.

After doing much of the programming on various CD-Rom titles (see the Boring Stuff section of my site). I had developed the ability to create just about any hunk of Lingo I needed without using a reference. I've avoided diving into ActionScript for fear of confusing myself with a similar, yet very different, scripting syntax. But, the time has come. It is looking like the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) will grow into being the vehicle for delivering desktop applications created in Flash and that Director will not be advanced by Adobe. I may not have written my last line of Lingo, but I have to move on and embrace ActionScript and FlashCS3.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Energy Efficient?

Sure, the new bulbs we're phasing in around the house will save electricity and, we are told, the future of the human race.

However, this is now what a light bulb looks like. The familiar, simple, iconic incandescent light bulb we have known for 100 years is going the way of records, film strips, rotary phones and rabbit ears on top of the tv.

I asked the kids what this was a drawing of. They both responded "A light bulb". *sigh*.

It is going to take a lot more energy for cartoonists to draw a contemporary idea hanging over someones head.

Monday, October 1, 2007

October Chores