Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Energy Efficient?

Sure, the new bulbs we're phasing in around the house will save electricity and, we are told, the future of the human race.

However, this is now what a light bulb looks like. The familiar, simple, iconic incandescent light bulb we have known for 100 years is going the way of records, film strips, rotary phones and rabbit ears on top of the tv.

I asked the kids what this was a drawing of. They both responded "A light bulb". *sigh*.

It is going to take a lot more energy for cartoonists to draw a contemporary idea hanging over someones head.

1 comment:

perikiosis said...

Alas - I will miss the incandescent - not to mention - what will it do to all the people with Epilepsy?
Love your blog and artwork!